Proper battery care is more than just a matter of convenience. It is a crucial aspect of vehicle maintenance that can impact your vehicle's reliability, longevity, and performance. Being proactive and attentive to your battery's needs can help you avoid unexpected breakdowns and get the most out of your driving experience.
Not to worry! Batteries N More, one of the renowned stockists of quality batteries and related electronic products in Kalgoorlie, will discuss expert-recommended practices and insights on the significance of a healthy battery in this blog.
But first, who is Batteries N More?
These experts have made strategic alliances with some of the big names in the battery and electronics industry, so you can trust that they cater for any situation where you need batteries. They provide the following products, such as but not limited to:
- Trucks, Machinery
- Cars, Motorcycles
- Boating, Marine
- Deep-cycle
- Mobile, Cordless Phones
- Cameras Camcorders
- Security Systems
- Power Tools
- Solar Panels, Recreational and Domestic
- Computer Power Supplies, Leads & Accessories
They carry a range of accessories such as 12v to 240v inverters, Brass Monkey fridges, 12v lighting, Testing equipment, Red Arc dual battery systems, and an extensive range of chargers.
Without further ado, let’s dive in!
Safety Precautions
Batteries, battery posts, terminals, and related accessories contain lead and lead compounds and other chemicals known to cause cancer, birth defects, and reproductive harm. It is important to wash your hands thoroughly after handling them.
When handling batteries, it is vital to follow all safety instructions to avoid accidents. Always wear safety glasses and a face shield when working on or near batteries, as all batteries produce explosive hydrogen gas. To prevent sparks, keep flames, sparks, and cigarettes away from batteries at all times, and do not connect or disconnect live circuits. Turn off charging and testing equipment before attaching or removing clamps.
To prevent dangerous sparks, always disconnect grounded cables first and connect them last. It is advisable to perform all work in a well-ventilated area and avoid leaning directly over a battery while boosting, testing, or charging it.
Due to the corrosive sulfuric acid in batteries, which can destroy clothing and skin, it is crucial to protect your eyes and take necessary precautions. In case of acid spills, neutralise them with a paste of baking soda and water or large quantities. Be careful and stay safe!
In-Vehicle Service and Testing
Before any testing, visually inspect the battery. Look for the following:
- Cracked or broken case or cover
- Loose cable connections
- Leaking case-to-cover seal
- Corrosion
- Damaged or leaking terminals
- If you notice any corrosion, neutralise it with a baking soda/water paste or battery cleaner spray. After that, scrape or brush off the residue and wash the area with clean water.
- After the visual inspection, use a voltmeter to check the battery's state of charge.
- Before the load testing, boost a weak battery as per the instructions in the charging chart under the "Charging Tips" section.
- Once the battery is fully charged, perform a load test to ensure optimal performance.
Dry Charge Activation
- The first step is to fill each cell with battery-grade sulfuric acid having a specific gravity of 1.265 up to the proper level. It is important to note that both the battery and acid should be at a temperature of 60°F to 100°F (16°C to 38°C) when filling.
- For 12V batteries, charge them at 15 amps until the specific gravity is 1.250 or higher and the electrolyte temperature is at least 60°F (15.5°C). However, please make sure that both conditions are met. If you are charging 6V and 12V heavy-duty batteries, you can boost and charge them at 30 amps. In case of violent gassing or spewing, you should reduce the charge rate.
- After charging, it is essential to check the electrolyte levels. Add electrolytes to bring all levels to the bottom of the vent wells if required. However, it is crucial not to overfill the battery. If the battery requires top-off while in service, add distilled water only. Please do not add acid.
For more information, trust the experts from this renowned electric vehicle battery shop in Kalgoorlie to assist you!
Safe Installation
- Before removing the old battery, it is essential to mark the positive (+) and negative (–) cables to ensure proper connection to the new battery.
- Always disconnect the ground cable first (usually negative (–)) to avoid sparking around the battery. Then, carefully remove the old battery after disconnecting the positive (+) cable.
- After removing the battery, clean and inspect the tray, hold-down, and battery cables. If necessary, repaint or replace them. Ensure that the cable ends are clean and corrosion-free and that the cable is not frayed or bare.
- Put corrosion protection washers on the battery terminals and install the new battery in the same position as the old one. Tighten the hold-down and ensure the terminals will clear the hood, fender, box lid, etc., to avoid vehicle damage or explosion.
- Connect the positive (+) cable first and the ground cable last. If it's a side terminal connection, use a special side terminal torque tool to tighten side terminal cables to avoid damage. Please never overtighten or hammer cables onto terminals.
- Finally, coat the terminals and cable connection with a corrosion protection spray to prevent future corrosion.
Check The Charging System
- It is essential to check the voltage regulator every 10,000 miles or every time you change oil.
- Additionally, you should check the voltage regulator immediately if you notice any of the following signs:
- The battery is hot to the touch
- Electrolyte is bubbling or spewing from the vents
- The hydrometer reading is below 1.225 or above 1.300
- The open circuit voltage is below 12.4 volts or above 12.9 volts
- Overcharging can cause excessive water consumption and spewing or electrolyte bubbling out of the vents. On the other hand, undercharging is evident by slow cranking or lights dimming at idle.
For more tips, this rechargeable battery shop can help you!
Load Testing
The first step is to perform an open circuit voltage test, followed by an adjustable load test. A load test is the best way to determine whether the battery delivers adequate electrical performance. Ensure that your variable load tester is working correctly.
- When performing the load test, it is essential to note that you can't load test a discharged battery. If the voltage is below 12.4, recharge it completely before continuing. For important information, refer to the charging chart under the "Charging Tips" section.
- To avoid sparking and explosive gasses, always ensure the load tester is OFF, and the battery is disconnected before hook-up. Additionally, use a computer memory saver to retain the vehicle's electronic memory while the battery is disconnected.
- Connect the positive (+) tester clamp to the positive (+) battery terminal. Then, connect the negative (–) tester clamp to the negative (–) battery terminal. Please always protect your eyes.
- Set the tester to one-half of the battery's 0°F cold crank rating and apply the load for 15 seconds. If the CCA rating is unknown, use 1/2 of the vehicle's minimum O.E. battery CCA requirement.
- Estimate the battery's internal temperature to the nearest 10°F and apply the load for 15 seconds. Note the voltage at 15 seconds with the load on and immediately shut the load off. A reading equal to or greater than the value from the chart below indicates a good battery.
- If the battery did not meet the required voltage and was not charged in Step 1, recharge the battery completely and repeat the test. If it still fails to meet requirements, replace the battery.
Conductance Testing
Conductance testing uses the battery's response to a very small signal to predict the effects of a much larger current. However, conductance testing is ineffective on a discharged battery. If the battery is known to be discharged, or if the tester advises the operator to charge before testing again, the battery must be entirely recharged.
- When using a conductance tester, turning it off or on may not be required. If the tester is off, you must turn it on immediately when connected to a battery. Most testers turn off automatically if ignored for long enough. Some testers have no battery and get all their power from the tested battery.
- Connect the positive (+) tester clamp to the positive (+) battery terminal. Then, connect the negative (–) tester clamp to the negative (–) battery terminal. If the battery has more than one pair of terminals (e.g., top posts and side terminals), always perform the testing on the terminals that are used in the vehicle. Please use the proper charging adapters for stud or side terminal batteries, and never connect the tester to a bolt or stud.
- Turn on the tester if needed and enter the requested information. Ensure you distinguish between a CCA rating and a CA or MCA rating. If no rating is available, use the vehicle's minimum O.E. battery CCA requirement.
- If the tester advises replacing a battery tested in the vehicle, repeat the testing after removing the cables and cleaning the posts.
Check the State of the Charge
There are two styles of battery: non-accessible, maintenance-free types and accessible, maintainable types with removable vent caps.
Before adding water to a maintainable battery, it is essential to take an open circuit voltage reading or hydrometer reading of one cell.
Use a different cell each time. If the readings are below 75%, charge the battery. If the electrolyte level is too low to read with a hydrometer, add water and take the hydrometer reading the following day after the vehicle has been driven and the water has had an opportunity to mix.
Check electrolyte levels in all cells. Add only clear, odourless drinking water to bring the liquid level to the level indicator or 1/2" (13mm) above the top of the separators. Please use distilled water, especially if the water in your area has high iron. However, do not overfill any cells. Excess electrolytes may be forced from an overfilled cell and cause corrosion on adjacent metal parts, reduce performance, and shorten life.
In cold weather, do not fill cells with water and let them stand without running the engine or driving the vehicle long enough to allow water to mix with acid. Otherwise, freezing might occur, and the battery may crack or explode.
Maintenance-free, non-accessible batteries are designed to eliminate the need to add water. However, the volume of electrolytes above plates may eventually deplete due to abnormal conditions such as high heat or improper regulator setting. Therefore, use a voltmeter to check the state of charge.
Please see the chart under "Charging Tips" to determine if charging is necessary. If you need help, don’t hesitate to give this car battery store a call!
It is crucial to note that you should not open flush-cover batteries. If opened, it can result in serious personal injury, and the warranty will be voided.
Charging Tips
- Never attempt to charge a frozen battery to avoid a battery explosion. Always allow it to warm up to room temperature before charging it.
- Gel and AGM (Absorbed Glass Mat) batteries require a voltage-limited charger. Charging a Gel or AGM battery on a typical shop charger, even one time, may significantly shorten its life. Therefore, please read the manufacturer's instructions before charging for proper charger hook-up and use.
- Never overcharge batteries. Excessive charging will shorten battery life.
- Turn the charger off before hook-up to avoid dangerous sparks. Additionally, please protect your eyes.
- If the electrolyte is accessible, verify that the plates are covered before charging. At the end of the charge, add distilled water as needed to bring levels to the proper height. If water is added, charge for an additional 30 minutes to mix. If electrolyte levels are low but the battery is not accessible, remove the battery from service.
- The maximum charge rate in amperes should not be more than 1/3 of the battery's reserve capacity minute rating. If the terminal voltage exceeds 16.0 volts while charging, reduce the charge rate.
- Continue charging and reduce the rate as needed until a two-hour period results in no voltage or current increase.
- If violent gassing or spewing of electrolytes occurs, or the battery case feels hot to the touch, temporarily reduce or halt charging to avoid any potential harm.

Use side terminal charging posts to ensure the best testing and charging results for side terminal batteries. The charging posts will provide a flush lead-to-lead contact that allows a strong current to pass from the charging post to the battery terminal. Therefore, please tighten the charging post until it is snug and secure. This will help to maintain a strong and stable connection between the charging post and the battery terminal.

Avoid using Battery Bolt Extenders or Battery Bolts when testing or charging batteries. These components fail to provide the required lead-to-lead contact, which can result in reduced cold cranking amperage (CCA) and state of charge readings. Instead, boost the battery charge with an open circuit voltage reading below 12.4 volts. You can refer to the charging chart below for more information.
Battery Storage Tips
Keep batteries in a cool and dry area, standing upright. Do not stack them directly on top of each other, except when they are in cartons. Also, avoid stacking more than three highs or two highs in the case of heavy commercial batteries.
Test wet batteries every 4-6 months and recharge them if required. Additionally, test and charge the batteries before installation if necessary.
If you need more information, call this battery shop in Kalgoorlie or visit their business page by clicking here!