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This is Why Locals Trust This Towing, Transport & Recovery Services Provider in Kalgoorlie-Boulder


This is Why Locals Trust This Towing, Transport & Recovery Services Provider in Kalgoorlie-Boulder

If your vehicle broke down or you're stranded somewhere in the vast and remote areas of Western Australia, you need specialised towing services you can trust. We’ve got the right company just for you!

GTT Towing, Transport & Emergency Services offers towing, transport & recovery services throughout Kalgoorlie-Boulder and the Goldfields region. We have a team of skilled operators that can transport or tow various vehicles and equipment, including passenger and light commercial vehicles, motorbikes, caravans and boats. We also specialise in the movement of mining, agriculture, earthmoving, construction and manufacturing/industrial machinery. 

You want to know that help will arrive as soon as possible and that your vehicle will be treated with the utmost care. Not to worry! to man the right equipment to undertake the task. 

We can provide vehicle towing, truck and machinery tilt tray transport, transport support, and other necessary towing services! 

What You Need To Know About The Best Towing Services Provider in Kalgoorlie-Boulder

GTT is managed locally in Kalgoorlie by Rhonda Chrimes, who has been with the business as Operations Manager for over four years. 

She is supported by Michael Davidson, who owns both GTT and Inproof Towing, Transport and Emergency Services, a very similar business based in Melbourne, where it services the city as well as regional and rural Victoria.

We are available seven days a week, 24 hours a day, year-round. Drivers may be called out to respond to work that needs to be done on weekends and public holidays.

We offer assistance with the following:

  • Machinery (Mining, Earthmoving, Construction and Agriculture)
  • Plant (Mining, Manufacturing & Industrial)
  • Containers (20' & 40' ISO and Non-Standard)
  • Portable Buildings (Accommodation, Office, Workshop)
  • Cars (Passenger & Light Commercial)
  • Trucks (Rigids, Prime Movers & Trailers)
  • Buses (12-70 Seat Capacity)
  • Caravans (Carried or Towed)
  • Boats (Cradle or Towed)
  • Motor Cycles (2 Wheels & All-Terrain)

We have the following towing, transport & recovery equipment/resources:

  • Tilt Trays (Some With Cranes)
  • Low Loader Trailers
  • Heavy Tow Truck (With Underlift)
  • Container Side Loader
  • Cranes, Forklifts &, Driver Hire
  • GTT Accredited Pilot Escort

GTT operates small tilt trays designed and equipped to safely and cost-effectively tow or transport passenger and light commercial vehicles weighing up to 4.0T. Some tilt trays are fitted with a rear underlift, enabling the movement of a second vehicle simultaneously.

We also use our tilt tray towing trucks to transport small items of plant and machinery. Due to their compact nature, they are ideal for accessing vehicles or equipment where space is limited. Our tilt trays are the backbone of GTT’s towing capability. They are generally the ones dispatched when there is a requirement for vehicles to be moved for trade repairs, small machinery movements, repossession call-outs, or roadside assistance activities.

GTT mainly provides service in the southeast area of Western Australia, including Kalgoorlie and the Goldfields-Esperance region. However, emergency towing, transport, and roadside assist requests from stranded travellers or mine site operations often take us in many directions:

  • North to Menzies, Leonora, Leinster and Wiluna, or northeast to Laverton and Warburton.
  • South to Norseman, Salmon Gums and Esperance
  • East on the Eyre Hwy towards Balladonia, Mundrabilla and Eucla or on the Trans Access Road towards Zanthus, Rawlinna or Forrest on the Nullarbor Plain
  • West to Coolgardie, Southern Cross, Marvel Lock or Koolyanobbing

What Makes GTT Towing, Transport & Emergency Services Different From Other Companies

Over the years, we have built up considerable data on mine site locations, distances and the times required to efficiently and safely carry out our jobs.

We also have robust trucks and experienced operators accustomed to the many remote locations where plants and equipment must be delivered. Our operators also understand the protocols of mine sites and proactively work towards site compliance. That's why all of our vehicles are with GPS tracking. 

We’re also well aware of all aspects of the legislation and its responsibility to all parties within the transport supply chain. GTT conducts its business in a manner that complies with all aspects of applicable laws, regulations and codes of practice.

The main GTT depot is Lot 184 Western Road Karlkurla (Kalgoorlie). There is ample room to provide maintenance and storage facilities for GTT equipment. We also supply ISO 20' shipping containers for private tilt tray hire and storage. 

Should the need arise, GTT has arrangements with like-minded companies to provide heavy haulage floats, materials handling equipment and cranes.

If you require a high level of organisational ability and access to a wide range of equipment and expertise to provide services safely and cost-effectively, the best company to call is GTT.

Should the need arise, we have arrangements with like-minded companies to provide heavy haulage floats, materials handling equipment and cranes.

Similarly, GTT has arrangements to ensure that towing and transport services can extend from Kalgoorlie to all parts of WA and interstate.

Visit GTT Towing, Transport & Emergency Services’ business page to learn more about our expert towing services now!

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