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What to Expect When You Need Towing, Transport & Recovery Services in Kalgoorlie


What to Expect When You Need Towing, Transport & Recovery Services in Kalgoorlie

Vehicle breakdowns and stranded situations in the vast and remote areas of Western Australia demand specialised towing services you can rely on. In such instances, GTT Towing, Transport & Emergency Services emerges as the go-to solution, offering a range of towing, transport & recovery services throughout Kalgoorlie-Boulder and the Goldfields region.

With a skilled team and specialised equipment, we ensure prompt and trustworthy assistance for vehicles and equipment ranging from passenger cars to heavy machinery.

Why You Shouldn't Attempt to Tow Your Own Vehicle

When faced with a stranded vehicle, the temptation to tow it yourself might arise. However, before hitching up and attempting a DIY tow, it's essential to understand the potential risks and consequences involved. GTT will explain the safety risks, legal consequences, and advantages of calling for towing services instead.

Safety Hazards of DIY Towing

Lack of Proper Equipment

  • Inadequate Towing Capacity:
    • Personal vehicles may lack the towing capacity required for heavier loads and long-distance towing.
    • Attempting to tow a vehicle beyond your vehicle's capacity can lead to accidents and damage.
  • Improper Tow Bars and Hitches:
    • DIY towing often involves makeshift tow bars and hitches.
    • Inadequate or poorly attached towing equipment increases the risk of detachment during transit.

Limited Visibility and Control

  • Impaired Rear Visibility:
    • Towing obstructs rearview visibility, making it challenging to navigate safely.
    • Maneuvering with limited visibility raises the likelihood of collisions or misjudging distances.
  • Reduced Braking Efficiency:
    • Towing adds weight to the towing vehicle, affecting braking efficiency.
    • DIY tow setups may lack proper braking systems, leading to longer stopping distances.

Roadside and Environmental Factors

  • Unpredictable Terrain:
    • Kalgoorlie's diverse terrain includes uneven surfaces and dirt roads.
    • DIY towing on unpredictable terrain increases the risk of accidents and damage.
  • Weather Conditions:
    • Sudden weather changes, common in Kalgoorlie, can affect road conditions.
    • DIY towing in adverse weather, such as heavy rain or strong winds, compounds safety risks.

Benefits of Professional Towing Services

Let’s explore the advantages of using a local towing and transport service in Kalgoorlie, shedding light on the personalised assistance, quick response times, and community-centric approach that set these services apart.

Specialised Equipment and Expertise

GTT Towing, Transport & Emergency Services takes pride in providing an extensive array of towing and transport services, catering to various vehicles and equipment. We offer assistance with the following:

  • Machinery (Mining, Earthmoving, Construction and Agriculture)
  • Plant (Mining, Manufacturing & Industrial)
  • Containers (20' & 40' ISO and Non-Standard)
  • Portable Buildings (Accommodation, Office, Workshop)
  • Cars (Passenger & Light Commercial)
  • Trucks (Rigids, Prime Movers & Trailers)
  • Buses (12-70 Seat Capacity)
  • Caravans (Carried or Towed)
  • Boats (Cradle or Towed)
  • Motor Cycles (2 Wheels & All-Terrain)

Towing and Transport Services

Light Vehicle Towing & Transport: GTT operates small tilt trays, which are designed and equipped in a manner to safely and cost-effectively tow or transport passenger and light commercial vehicles weighing up to 4.0T.

Equipped with rear underlifts, some tilt trays facilitate the movement of a second vehicle simultaneously. These tilt trays are dispatched for trade repairs, machinery movements, repossession call-outs, and roadside assistance.

Machinery Towing & Transport: The handling and transport of machinery and plant is a highly specialised activity and is the domain of our most experienced operators. 

General Towing & Recovery Services: GTT responds to a variety of recoveries in the Goldfields-Esperance region.

Towing, Transport & Recovery Equipment/Resources

Do you require heavy-duty towing? We have the following towing, transport & recovery equipment/resources:

  • Tilt Trays (Some With Cranes)
  • Low Loader Trailers
  • Heavy Tow Truck (With Underlift)
  • Container Side Loader
  • Cranes, Forklifts &, Driver Hire
  • GTT Accredited Pilot Escort

Unparalleled Data and Compliance

GTT has accumulated substantial data on mine site locations, distances, and efficient job execution. Odur trucks, equipped with GPS tracking, adhere to WorkSafe and industry guidelines. We prioritise safety and compliance with legislation, ensuring responsible practices within the transport supply chain.

Depot Facilities and Collaborative Partnerships

The main GTT depot, located at Lot 184 Western Road Karlkurla (Kalgoorlie), provides ample room for maintenance and storage facilities. We collaborate with like-minded companies to offer trailer towing, heavy haulage floats, materials handling equipment, and cranes. This ensures a high level of organisational ability, access to a wide range of equipment, and expertise for safe and cost-effective service delivery. We also supply ISO 20' shipping containers for private tilt tray hire and storage.

Swift Response Times

Familiarity with Local Terrain:

Familiarity allows for quicker response times, especially in remote or challenging locations. Not to worry! GTT is intimately acquainted with the diverse terrains of the region.

Strategic Location:

We are strategically located within the community, and local towing services can respond promptly to distress calls.

Covering Southeast Western Australia and Beyond

While GTT primarily serves the southeast area of Western Australia, including Kalgoorlie and the Goldfields-Esperance region, emergency towing, transport, and roadside assist requests often take us in various directions:

  • North to Menzies, Leonora, Leinster, Wiluna
  • Northeast to Laverton and Warburton
  • South to Norseman, Salmon Gums, and Esperance
  • East on the Eyre Hwy and Trans Access Road
  • West to Coolgardie, Southern Cross, Marvel Lock, and Koolyanobbing

Trained and Licensed Operators

Licensed Towing Operators:

We employ licensed and trained operators. Our licensed operators understand towing regulations, ensuring legal compliance.

Safe and Skilled Handling:

Professional towing minimises the risk of damages to the towed and towing vehicles. Our skilled towing operators have the expertise to handle such diverse towing scenarios. 

Meet the Team Behind GTT's Excellence

Locally managed in Kalgoorlie by Rhonda Chrimes, with over four years of experience as Operations Manager, GTT boasts a dedicated team ensuring your towing needs are met with precision. Rhonda is supported by Michael Davidson, the owner of GTT and Inproof Towing, Transport and Emergency Services, a similar business based in Melbourne.

24/7 Emergency Assistance

Timely Response to Breakdowns:

Immediate response to breakdowns reduces the time spent stranded on the roadside. That’s why we offer round-the-clock assistance. 

We are available seven days a week, 24 hours a day, year-round. Drivers may be called out to respond to work that needs to be done on weekends and public holidays.

Legal Compliance and Insurance Coverage

Licensing and Compliance:

Legal compliance ensures a smooth and trouble-free towing process. Not to worry! GTT adheres to licensing requirements and industry standards.

Trust GTT for Unmatched Towing Excellence

For a towing service that prioritises efficiency, safety, and reliability, GTT Towing, Transport & Emergency Services stands out as a trusted partner. Contact us now to discuss your towing needs and experience the commitment to excellence that defines our services. Visit GTT Towing, Transport & Emergency Services’s business page to learn more about our comprehensive offerings and discover how we can be your towing solution partner.

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